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Building Christian Families Through Adoption

When you give to adoption, you change more than one life - you change many, for years to come.

Making a Gift
You may give to Open Door Adoption Agency by gift of cash by credit/debit card.

You may also give in several other ways:
- Gift of cash by personal or corporate check
- Gift of stock or other securities
- Gift of appreciated property
- Bequests through your will
- Gifts in memory of a loved one
- Gifts through a trust
**Please contact us at if you'd like more information on how to give in one of these ways.

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"
Matthew 25:40

*Open Door Adoption Agency neither solicits nor accepts donations to the agency by active & waiting adoptive parents who have not received placement & finalized their adoption.
**Open Door Adoption Agency cannot give preferential treatment to persons who make donations to the agency.

While Open Door Adoption Agency strives to respect donors' wishes regarding a preferred family, we maintain full administrative and financial control to ensure all donations align with our mission. Thus, we cannot guarantee that funds will exclusively support the selected family. Donations to Open Door Adoption Agency are final and non-refundable.